Monday, January 4, 2016

17- Edge of tomorrow

Finally, this is my final movie review for the second term which is the english term .The movie is entitled "Edge of Tomorrow".Of course, it was movie marathon day and it only means that it was our EEP Class.The main casts of the movie are Tom Cruise (the “Mission: Impossible” films, “Collateral,” “Jerry Maguire”) and Emily Blunt (“The Devil Wears Prada,” “The Adjustment Bureau”) star in Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Village Roadshow Pictures’ sci-fi thriller “Edge of Tomorrow,” under the direction of Doug Liman (“The Bourne Identity,” “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”).As the movie phrase says that "Live .Die .Repeat" it gives me the idea of what it is all about.

Photo Credits to :

 Spoiler's ahead*

The epic action of “Edge of Tomorrow” unfolds in a near future in which an alien race has hit the Earth in an unrelenting assault, unbeatable by any military unit in the world.Major William Cage (Cruise) is an officer who has never seen a day of combat when he is unceremoniously dropped into what amounts to a suicide mission. Killed within minutes, Cage now finds himself inexplicably thrown into a time loop—forcing him to live out the same brutal combat over and over, fighting and dying again…and again.
Major William Cage while on war against the aliens vs. speacial forces
But with each battle, Cage becomes able to engage the adversaries with increasing skill, alongside Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski (Blunt). And, as Cage and Rita take the fight to the aliens, each repeated encounter gets them one step closer to defeating the enemy.
Source:Warner Bros. Entertainment 

As I've watched it, at first it makes me brought to the point leaving a question in my mind on what are they trying to tell about the movie.Later on, little by little I understand now what is the flow of the story which it made me more interested to watch it.The movie is a bit of comedy and more on seriousness.The things that I would say are very good casts , creative director and hardworking staffs.

I learned to this movie is that try and try until you mastered it and don't easily give up on things.

Photo credits to:

16- SOM Speech Choir and Ignite Contest 2015

The second and the last day of English Term Culminating Activity held last December 22,2015 at APC Auditorium.And yes, English term finally come to an end.The day when there is a five minutes of shame in front of many audiences our block section lose confindence and we really want to quit the competition.Again, we disappointed our English professors just like our adviser in Filione in the first term.It's really a shame to me and to my blockmates that we are not prepared for the said competition. So our last chance would be AC151 to win on the Speech Choir Competition. Finally, it was nice performance.

The opening remarks who lead by our EEP professor Ms. Eliz Reyes and by welcoming speech about the intepretation of the Speech Choir poem piece which entitled " At Christmas" by Edgar Albert Guest and talked about her experiences together with her EEP students for the second term.After that, Sir Deeno who is the master of the ceremonies took the floor and talked about the brief mechanics of the competition.He also announced the order of presentation which starts in alphabetical order. 

First ,the Accountancy blocks to be followed by Business Management , then Marketing and Advertising and Tourism Management.It means from AC151 to TM151 so we will be second to perform. We want to back-up already as we saw the first performers ,AC151 then we just cheer for them and we believe that they can make it to the top three best blocks .Us,never mind and don't bother.

Moreover , After every one speech choir performed,it will be followed by a speaker for the Ignite Speech Contest which represented their blocks.Any topics would do for their speech and with the use of powerpoint presentation consists of 20 slides and every slide will have 15 seconds .They talked about their real life experience and shared some of there confidential life stories.I would like to congratulate all of them who participated in the contest .Thanks to them for their inspiring stories.

After all ,the ignite speakers and all the blocks already performed. The most awaited part of the program was the the grand awarding ceremony.In the end, Tourism Management (TM151) take home the bacon .Good to know that Accountancy students (AC151) also won in the competition.For the Ignite Speech Contest, MA151 got it. 
That end the Culminating Activity for the SoM English Term.The second term really improved me more a little bit and I'm so thankful to all my english professors .Again, it was a nice english term experience for me.

15-Public Speaking Competition

Public Speaking Competition was held on December 21,2015 at APC Auditorium the theme for the said competition would be about "The Cult of Celebrities and Fantasies....A Filipino Obssession?" and it will have six public speakers from each block.

The program started after a couple of minutes then the host announced already the assign room for each representative wherein it was the first and the elimination round.While us didn't joined the competition will be waiting inside the auditorium and wait until the contestants will be back.Just like what this one representative from APC Speaks told us ,"Chill lang kayo dyan guys"and we're so happy to know it.Suddenly,he continued ,"while they are having their speech on their assigned room we will also have to play a game called Speed Speech" .The Speed Speech game is a bit similar to an ignite speech wherein they show some pictures about the given main topic. Your goal is to make a 15 seconds speech in each slides to connect all of them in a speech. This game was a bit confusing since the topics are not connected to each other. One topic is all about cactus then Manila Zoo then Drugs with Hamburgers and many more.  Another game was also presented which is called “Ignite” this game is basically the same with Speed Speech but this time they are two players for each representative of the block. Some topic where Lady Gaga, Darth Vader, Laptop, Watermelon, Dustpan, Taylor Swift, and a lot of words .And, the last game which is for the whole block has something to do with Christmas song which mean as a block we need to sing some Christmas song and if the song is already sung you're out of the game that's why our block are first who eliminated in the games until only one will be the champion.

After the game, all the contestants are finally back and the final round would be at the auditorium stage wherein only the top 3 out of the 7 representatives would be chosen to deliver their speeches onstage .Luckily,it's nice to three of my blockmates moved on to the final round and they are Alyssa Biona ,Carmena Tabalan and Dea Rose Mahinay.Firstly,Alyssa Biona's topic was all about her lovelife way back in highschool and how she moved on to that matter.Then, Carmena is up and her topic has something to do with her current boyfriend with a cancer and how she faces the struggles just like Jamich where she got all the motivation and inspiration.Lastly, Dea who tell us about her experiences due to her disability but then by her speech she proved that she's a strong person no matter what other people say to her .And what she quoted at the end of her speech is that you can achieve happiness with self-acceptance and this quote is a kind inspired me.
To sum it all , I would say that the program well done and the next day would be the second day of the culminating activity of English Resource Center(ERC) and these are the Ignite Speech and Speech Choir Competition .I hope that program for second day will be success as the first day of the competition.

14-Speak Sense Season 2

Speak Sense Season 2 is an Inter High School Public Speaking Competition .It is held last November 27,2015 at APC Auditorium. The contestants for this competition wherein Asia Pacific College invited 10 different high school students to represent their schools.APC Speaks organized the said event with the collaboration of the English Resource Center(ERC) Faculty.The theme of the event is“The Best of Times or Worst of Times. It’s the only time we’ve got”.which is the mechanics of this is to deliver their speech in relation with the theme.All of the speakers will have their speeches about their own life experiences or how they face serious situation that they been through.After each speech, speakers should answer some questions from the judges.
My professor said that she's really in favoured to this one speaker who told us a life-and-death situation with a hotdog and a cola. It's bit funny thou the reason of my professor why she likes it of all the speakers is because his speech was good yet his content still needs to improve.

Another speaker, who delivered his speech in a way of poetry still it has a relation with the theme since  he talks too fast and forget some of his speech it somehow a big confusion to me and also for some audience as well.

Speaker from Pasay Science High School
This one speaker I like the most because her speech was really dramatic since she talked about her dysfunctional family and it somehow caught my attention especially about her fears for her parents and siblings.She proved that she is a very strong who share her real life experiences to others.It is an inspiring speech and I really with story about having a dysfunctional family.
Announcement of Champion

To end it up, the girl from Pasay Science High School won as a champion for this competition and it's good to know.The program went well congratulations to the winner, to the organizers and to the judges.

13- Phantom of the Opera

In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name
And do I dream again
For now I find
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my mind

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside your mind

Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear

It's me they hear

My/your spirit and your/my voice
In one combined
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside your/my mind

He's there the Phantom of the Opera!


I had Last Song Syndrome (LSS) to these lyrics entitled "Angel of Music " from the theatre version of the play "The Phanton of the Opera" and whenever I heard this song I couldn't help but to sing along with it.This is one my the best plays that I've ever watched and it would be really nice to watch it personally someday.I love this play it's interesting one especially about how Christine and Rauol end up together.
Christine and Rauol
(Credits; to the owner)

I'm so happy for them yet I felt pity to Phantom because he thought Christine would be his one true love but then everything has change.I also love the songs and the lyrics because those are sung beautifully by the casts which makes the play more lively. Based on my perspectives, these are best reasons why I love The Phantom of the Opera and I would like to congratulate the casts for doing their best performance level for the play.

12- Media Literacy

According to Center for Media Literacy defined Media Literacy is a 21st century approach to education. It provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create and participate with messages in a variety of forms — from print to video to the Internet. Media literacy builds an understanding of the role of media in society as well as essential skills of inquiry and self-expression necessary for citizens of a democracy.

A seminar on Media Literacy: "Mobilizing the Millenials as Socially Responsible Prosumers" held on November 25,2015 at APC Auditorium 
A seminar which primary objective is to develop sense of social responsibility among RAMpage editorial staff and to have a discussion on media literacy among APCians.

We thought that we just attend as usual a seminar because we don't have our GramCom class that day and our professor dismissed us earlier .We're so glad that time ,but suddenly when we heard a message from one of my blockmate that we are required to listen to a seminar and it also required to be blogged .When I looked to the flow of the seminar if find it interesting because it's all about media.Also, I've read the latter part of the program and I saw that guest speakers were invited from GMA and we were told about their site called 

A film screening goes first in the program wherein it showed videos of the members of RAMpage and shared their experiences through an interview.I'm so amazed to them because they are worked hard and had put lot of efforts just to give APCians the latest new that we must know and get updated on the happenings in school campus. The invited speakers who worked at GMA which I think they are a big help to us because learned so much from them.As journalists, they gave us some knowledge and discussed with us what are their job all about.

Certificate of Recognition given to the guest speakers

Of all the three the second speaker was my favorite because the way she is discussed things I find it so interesting.She discussed about how the social media affects life of people. One thing I've learned from her that retained in my mind and always a reminder to me is that what you posted in any social media sites we must take responsible of it and also think before we post .I also learned from her that we must focus on the real situations and not to deceived of any useless topics .We're so glad to have an invited speakers from GMA , hear their experiences and very useful informations.

11- Plagiarism

                          What is Plagiarism?



  • to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
  • to use (another's production) without crediting the source
  • to commit literary theft
  • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

Below are the types of plagiarism:

 Direct Plagiarism 

Direct plagiarism is the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else’s work, without attribution and without quotation marks. The deliberate plagiarism of someone else's work is unethical, academically dishonest, and grounds for disciplinary actions, including expulsion. 

Self Plagiarism

Self-plagiarism occurs when a student submits his or her own previous work, or mixes parts of previous works, without permission from all professors involved. For example, it would be unacceptable to incorporate part of a term paper you wrote in high school into a paper assigned in a college course. Self-plagiarism also applies to submitting the same piece of work for assignments in different classes without previous permission from both professors.

Mosaic Plagiarism

Mosaic Plagiarism occurs when a student borrows phrases from a source without using quotation marks, or finds synonyms for the author’s language while keeping to the same general structure and meaning of the original. Sometimes called “patch writing,” this kind of paraphrasing, whether intentional or not, is academically dishonest and punishable – even if you footnote your source! 

Accidental Plagiarism

Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects to cite their sources, or misquotes their sources, or unintentionally paraphrases a source by using similar words, groups of words, and/or sentence structure without attribution. (See example for mosaic plagiarism.) Students must learn how to cite their sources and to take careful and accurate notes when doing research. (See the Note-Taking section on the Avoiding Plagiarism page.) Lack of intent does not absolve the student of responsibility for plagiarism. Cases of accidental plagiarism are taken as seriously as any other plagiarism and are subject to the same range of consequences as other types of plagiarism.

According to on how to avoid plagiarism

6 Ways to Avoid Plagiarism
  1. Paraphrase - So you have found information that is perfect for your research paper. Read it and put it into your own words. Make sure that you do not copy verbatim more than two words in a row from the text you have found. If you do use more than two words together, you will have to use quotation marks. We will get into quoting properly soon.
  2. Cite - Citing is one of the effective ways to avoid plagiarism. Follow the document formatting guidelines (i.e. APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) used by your educational institution or the institution that issued the research request. This usually entails the addition of the author(s) and the date of the publication or similar information. Citing is really that simple. Not citing properly can constitute plagiarism.
  3. Quoting - When quoting a source, use the quote exactly the way it appears. No one wants to be misquoted. Most institutions of higher learning frown on “block quotes” or quotes of 40 words or more. A scholar should be able to effectively paraphrase most material. This process takes time, but the effort pays off! Quoting must be done correctly to avoid plagiarism allegations.
  4. Citing Quotes - Citing a quote can be different than citing paraphrased material. This practice usually involves the addition of a page number, or a paragraph number in the case of web content.
  5. Citing Your Own Material - If some of the material you are using for your research paper was used by you in your current class, a previous one, or anywhere else you must cite yourself. Treat the text the same as you would if someone else wrote it. It may sound odd, but using material you have used before is called self-plagiarism, and it is not acceptable.
  6. Referencing - One of the most important ways to avoid plagiarism is including a reference page or page of works cited at the end of your research paper. Again, this page must meet the document formatting guidelines used by your educational institution. This information is very specific and includes the author(s), date of publication, title, and source. Follow the directions for this page carefully. You will want to get the references right.
"If you steal from one author it's plagiarism; If you steal from many it's research" 
 Wilson Mizner

Sources :

10-Eat Out, Eat Healthy

Want a healthy food whenever your in hurry or in urgent appointments ?Worry no more because this will help you to choose wisely on what are healthy fast food that will work .
So, let's get started !

What are fast foods?

  • quick,easily and cheap alternatives to home-cooked meals
  •  food, as hamburgers, pizza, or fried chicken, that is prepared in quantity by a standardized method and can be dispensed quickly at inexpensive restaurants for eating there or elsewhere
Benefits of fast food 

Saving Time
Many people are in a hurry, which usually leaves little time to shop for and prepare meals in the same manner as their parents or grandparents might have done.

Improved Nutritional Value
According to the NIH, in an effort to meet the needs of more nutrition-conscience consumers, some fast food restaurants have salad bars, whole grain buns, grilled chicken and lean meats. In addition, a number of fast food restaurants will provide an information sheet on the nutritional content of the food on their menu.

 Fast food health risk 
 Obesity Risk     
According to livestrong .com ,fast food increases BMI. The higher your Body Mass Index,BMI which indicates body fat thuat is measured to your weight and height,the higher the of obesity and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, gallstones and cancer. 

Stroke Risk
According to livestrong .com ,Fast food restaurants use processed foods with high amounts of sodium to flavor your meals. Sodium is a risk factor for high blood pressure and stroke, the third leading cause of death in the United States.

                        Some Healthy fast food in the Philiippines

    When you're on a tight budget, on the go, or stuck in traffic, you can't really be very picky with your meal. Sometimes you have no other choice than to eat fast food even if you know it isn't very healthy. But here are the best picks if you're on a diet and counting calories. 
    1.Burger King
    Whopper Jr. without mayo (260 calories, 10g of fat, 2g of fiber). Its burgers are heavy on the stomach, and this is the lightest one available. It’s not so bad.
    2. Jollibee
    Yum! burger (150 calories, 25g of sugar, 15mg of sodium). Order this with more tomato, lettuce, and cheese. It’s a good way to have some vegetables in your food.
    3. KFC
    One-piece Drumstick (120 calories, 7g of fat, 380mg of sodium) with rice (206 calories). If you want a light meal just to keep the hunger away, this is it. The whole wing has 140 calories, while the breast without the skin has 130.
    4. McDonald’s
    1. Regular hamburger (250 calories, 9g of fat, 520mg of sodium). It’s got fewer calories (around a third) and less fat than the Quarter Pounder!
    2. Six-piece Chicken McNuggets (280 calories, 17g fat, 600mg sodium). The meat isn’t really the healthiest or the freshest, but their calories are low compared to the other snacks available.
    3. Egg McMuffin (300 calories, 17g of protein, 750mg of sodium, 4g of fiber).It’s an excellent source of calcium.
    Six-inch Roast Beef Sandwich on Wheat Bread (310 calories, 5g of fat, 24g of protein, 700mg of sodium). This is lightest sandwich they have, and it’s generously stuffed with vegetables.
    6. Taco Bell
    1Crunchy Taco (170 calories, 10g of fat, 290g of sodium).
    2. Crunchy Taco Supreme (200 calories, 12g of fat, 320g of sodium).
    7. Wendy’s
    1Chili (190 calories, 6g of fat, 830mg of sodium). It’s filling but also low on calories.
    2. Quarter-Pound Single Hamburger (250 calories, 8g of fat, 490mg of sodium). You’re better off ordering this light burger than the others or choosing their 700-calorie salads.

    See more at;

09-Francisco Arcellana

    Francisco Arcellana (Zacarias Eugene Francisco Quino Arcellana)  was born in akaFrank V. Sta. Cruz, Manila and born on September 6,1916 . He was a Filipino writer, poet, essayist, critic, journalist and teacher. Fourth son of 18 children of Jose Arcellana y Cabaneiro and Epifanio Quino
           Arcellana bloomed early in his craft and prospered from his first schooling in Tondo              until he entered the University of the Philippines (UP) as a pre-medical student 
            in 1932. He developed an interest in writing while he was studying at the Manila                       West High School (now Torres High School) as an active staff of the the school                                  organ TheTorres Torch.

  Some of his works have been translated into Tagalog, Malaysian, Italian, German and Russian, and many have been anthologized. 

Two major collections of his works are:

 Selected Stories, 1962
 The Francisco Arcellana Sampler, 1990

       Francisco Arcellana other published works are;

 Philippine PEN Anthology of Short Stories,Editor(1962)
Fifteen Stories: Story Masters 5(1973)
  Arcellana's Poems:
The Other Woman
I wait for you
To touch you

         From 1928 to 1939, 14 of his short stories were included in Jose Garcia Villa's honor               roll. His short story “The Flowers of May” won second prize in 1951
 Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Award for Literature.

"The Flowers of May” 
Francisco Arcellana

Victoria is Father’s first real, and as it turns out, only loss. Josefine who died before her died in early infancy and Concepcion who died after her was stillborn. Victoria died and we buried her and Father has not said her name once or even spoken of her.”
  • Another short story, “Wing of Madness,” placed second in the Philippines Free Press literary contest in 1953 

The wing of madness

The  hands went. My berserk hands! As soon as I knew that my hands were gone, then I knew that I was mad. Never before had I lifted my hands in anger. Never before in my life had I struck a blow?neither in violence nor love. Never before had I used my hands to crush or to caress, to create or to destroy.

Now that they have stirred, when finally they have lifted, they are monsters, how they rage: they have turned against me, they have fallen upon me: they hold me and grip me: they shake me and break me: and there is no stopping their frenzy. Oh, the fury of hands that are denied!
